Theta Blockchain and Web3 eco-system tools including Chainlink VRF, Ethereum, Near, Polygon zKEVM and Chainlink Blockchain services and IPFS, Filecoin decentralized storage
and Web3 tools to make driving safer and monitored


Our vision is to use blockchain technology to make driving safer and monitored for drivers, authorities, as well as other 3rd parties. With a mix of hardware and software powered by Theta and Ethereum blockchain services and IPFS/Filecoin decentralized storage, we will provide intelligent feedback about drive quality and help analyze past incidents, as well as predict future incidents


Theta Blockchain, Infura, Truffle, MetaMask SDK, Ethereum, Chainlink VRF, Polygon zKEVM Blockchain, Linea, SAP UI5, Java, Ionic, Near, IPFS and Filecoin, Fluence, Chainlink, Covalent, flow, aws, space and time, verse, truflation Web3 ecosystem tools

What it does?

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  • Behavior Analysis: Vehicles become IoT devices which can connect to smartphones, take voice commands, change the user interface.
  • Incident Reporting / Collision Detection: Incident-based reporting & Collision detection (even when a vehicle is parked) and video footage associated with it. Incident storage at SAP Hana and IPFS/Filecoin decentralized storage.
  • Live Capture: Video footage for abnormal driver behavior (complete view of the vehicle with 2 cameras – front and back).
  • Realtime Alert: Real-time alert and live streaming. Any abnormal behavior/activity can be displayed on the smart dashboard in the vehicle.
  • Black Box Vehicle Tracking: Built-in GPS technology useful in fleet management and tracking. Black box vehicle tracking to be able to pre-empt and diagnose breakdowns more quickly.
  • Gesture Control: Recognition area built in the central control to pick up your body movements, GAIT analysis.
  • Connected Road Safety Eco-system: The Cloud-Connected Vehicle Drives IoT Monetization. Real-time access to car availability and mobile connectivity enables better decisions making systems.